Adding a Page List to your EPUB

If your EPUB has a print counterpart, it's a good idea to include a Page List in the EPUB. A Page List maps your eBook content to print pages. This helps readers who may be referring to both the print and electronic versions of the content (for example, in a classroom setting, or when looking up a citation).


In an EPUB 2 file, the Page List goes in the NCX file. You can put it right after the closing </navMap> tag, for example. It looks like this:

		<pageTarget id="page3" type="normal" value="3" playOrder="59">
			<content src="intro.xhtml#page3"/>
		<pageTarget id="page4" type="normal" value="4" playOrder="60">
			<content src="intro.xhtml#page4"/>

An example NCX file including a Page List is included in the OPF spec.

Note: All of the playorder="" values in your entire NCX file must be in numerical order, from top to bottom. This includes the values of the playorder="" attributes in the NavMap, PageList,and NavList sections.


In an EPUB 3 file, the Page List goes in the Navigation Document, and it looks like this:

<nav epub:type="page-list" hidden="">
		<li><a href="intro.xhtml#page3">3</a></li>
		<li><a href="intro.xhtml#page4">4</a></li>
		<li><a href="chapter1.xhtml#page5">5</a></li>

The EPUB 3 Accessibility Guidelines provide more information about Page Lists, as well as information about marking up page breaks within an EPUB.